Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?
Whether you are on the fence about staying or going, are a couple who want to go through the process amicably or are already working through separation – we would love to help.
During this session, we will clarify all of your concerns and which of those concerns are the most important and/or urgent to you. We want to ensure that you start to look at a roadmap ahead and reach your goals, getting valuable and tangible outcomes, particularly financial, and enable you to move forward positively in your life no matter where you are in the process.
When times are tough you need an experienced thinking partner to hold your hand and guide you – so you can move forward and make the best possible decisions for YOUR new future based on your wants, needs, and concerns.
If the timing for engaging an Equal Exes coach is not right for you today, click here to find out more about two key workbooks available on our sister company website
Seven Senses Wellness Centre
100 West End Road, Westmere, Auckland, 1022.
p. 09 523 8000